Why SearchNow?

We supply our clients with rockstars quickly

SearchNow prides itself on being a team of outside the box thinkers that bring a fresh and effective approach to recruiting.  We’re of the belief that recruiters need to have this mindset and solution to be able to deliver in today’s ultra competitive candidate market.  We place top talent daily that are willing to leave their current employer and pursue new opportunities regardless if they’re able to work from home or not.  Our skill and experience in marketing new opportunities and uncovering candidates pain points is something that we do at the highest level and makes all the difference in the world.

The technology we use to find candidates leverages AI, Machine Learning, and Intent Data.  If your current recruiters don’t have access to this level of tech or even know what it is and how to use it then you likely don’t have access to a large part of the candidate market.  We guarantee it.

Why SearchNow?